A Delhi court has granted permission to jailed Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MP Sanjay Singh to take oath as a member of the Rajya Sabha for his second consecutive term. Singh, who has been in jail since October 2023 in connection with the now-scrapped Delhi excise policy, sought permission to take oath either on February 8 or 9.
Special Judge M.K. Nagpal issued the order, allowing Singh to be present for the oath-taking ceremony, after previously permitting him to visit the Rajya Sabha on February 5 for the same purpose. The court instructed Singh’s counsel to inform the Jail Superintendent of the chosen date for the oath-taking ceremony, ensuring his safe transport to and from the Rajya Sabha premises. Additionally, the court granted permission for Singh’s family members and advocates to accompany him during the proceedings.
Meanwhile, the Rajya Sabha Secretariat has yet to issue a summons to Singh for the oath-taking, pending the resolution of his suspension by the Privileges Committee. Singh is one of several senior AAP leaders facing legal action over alleged irregularities in the Delhi excise policy, with investigations by both the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) ongoing.