2 Panchayat Development Officers suspended for water contamination case in Karnataka

The Karnataka government has taken strict action in response to the unfortunate incidents of water contamination that led to the loss of lives, including that of a 10-year-old girl. As a result, two Panchayat Development Officers (PDOs) associated with Bijakal and Basarihal villages have been suspended.

The government has identified their connection to the water contamination cases and has deemed it necessary to hold them accountable for their alleged negligence in ensuring safe drinking water for the communities they served. The suspension of the PDOs serves as a significant step towards ensuring accountability and preventing such incidents from occurring in the future.

The authorities are actively investigating the matter to determine the root causes of the water contamination and to take appropriate measures to address the issue promptly. The government’s swift response underscores its commitment to protecting the health and well-being of its citizens and maintaining the quality of essential services such as clean and safe drinking water.

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