Twelve significant buildings, including the Secretariat, RBI, Central Station, Madras High Court, Chennai Port, and ITC Grand Chola, are set to undergo anti-terror preparedness operations in Chennai. The National Security Guard (NSG), in collaboration with the Tamil Nadu Commando Force, will lead this initiative to enhance counter-terrorism capabilities and ensure security in these key locations.
An exercise to validate drills, procedures, and standard operating procedures will be conducted by the NSG to improve the counter-terror skills of the State administration, police, and anti-terrorist squads. The initiative aims to bolster preparedness for anti-terrorist activities and create public awareness. Buildings such as the Ripon Building, Secretariat, Chennai Port, Central Railway Station, and others have been prioritized for these drills.
Threat assessments and recommendations from the State government have guided the selection of targets, including the Reserve Bank of India and prominent hotels like ITC Grand Chola and Taj Coromandel.