This ninth episode of the “Star Wars” franchise is the last of the sequel”s trilogy after “The Force Awakens” and “The Last Jedi”. It is astutely mounted and presented, but hardcore devotees of the series will definitely find the film disappointing compared to the last two editions. And the uninitiated will find this film extremely tedious.
Like every edition, this one too is about the inter-galactic battle to control the universe. It is a battle between good against evil. The writers, Chris Terrio, Derek Connoly, Colin Trevorrow and Director JJ Abrams waste the opportunity to forge a new ground left by the previous instalment. Instead, they are so obsessed with tying the loose ends of the previous editions that the narrative ends up being sort of repetitive and nostalgia-inducing.
The story begins with a scroll that informs us that Emperor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid), who was defeated at the end of “The Return Of The Jedi”, isn”t dead and has built the largest fleet of Star Destroyers ever assembled. This sets the ball rolling and raises the intrigue quotient.