Radhika Apte: OTT”s quality can only be checked with time

Never the demure damsel, Radhika Apte refuses to be a Bollywood typecast. She has played powerful characters across industries and mediums, but it”s her roles in Netflix”s ”Ghoul”, ”Sacred Games” and ”Lust Stories” that have led to her being hailed as the “queen of the OTT (over-the-top) platforms”.

“Acting across mediums does not change things much. What does change is the viewership, people across the world have viewed these shows. The digital medium is very fast. It”s faster than films, because this content is in people”s hands all the time, and that really makes a difference,” the 33-year-old actor told life on the sidelines of a Lecoanet Hemant fashion show, where she walked the ramp.

Radhika credits streaming platforms for generating employment. But are they are also producing superior content?

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Categories: Bollywood Cinema