In spite of the extra ”n” (creating a vapid pun for corny consumption), the title took me back to the Robert De Niro-Meryl Streep 1984 romantic classic.
But stop right there. Title apart, there is no similarity between “Falling In Love”, and its new pallid and puerile namesake(with an extra ”n”). The romance between a giddy-headed impulsive and misguided San Francisco girl Gabriela (Christina Milian) and a grieving property-enhancer Jake (Adam Demos) whom she meets and employs after inheriting a cottage in Auckland, proudly wears every cliche from the book of mushy romance on its sleeve.
In fact so brazenly flat and uni-dimensional is the film”s romantic pitch that it would be difficult for even the most soppy romantic to sit through its sloppy sentimentality even if this was the only video available for rent on Valentine”s Day.
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