There are reasons why Amitabh Bachchan is called Bollywood’s Big B. The megastar, 76, delivered a 14-minute long take in one shot for “Chehre”, leaving the crew in awe of his talent.
The film’s producer Anand Pandit lauded his friend Amitabh for it.
“I believe I am blessed to be a part of a film that has this historic scene. Giving a fourteen minute shot is not only difficult but requires dedication of a different kind. And add to it the way Amitji delivered it with finesse. There was pin drop silence on the sets followed by thunderous applause. He is legendary and an inspiration for each one of us,” Pandit said in a statement.
“Chehre” is a mystery thriller with Amitabh and Emraan Hashmi in lead roles. The film is directed by Rumi Jaffrey and produced by Anand Pandit Motion Pictures and Saraswati Entertainment Private Limited.