Teaching Mathematics Methodology and Methods
Important is said about the integration of computer technologies into the calculation class, but spare attention is paid to graphing calculators. The main idea of the exploration presented in the composition is the change in the methodology of tutoring mathematics after acquiring knowledge about graphing calculators. Attention is paid to Linda Espinoza Edmonds and her trial devoted to tutoring scholars with graphing calculators. As the exploration results show, the use of graphing calculators is successful while calculation assignments. According to the exploration results, scholars understand the relations between different variables, graphs, and experimental design more when they use graphing calculators. This tool also helps educate scholars constructively.
The methodology of the exploration devoted to the use of graphing calculators in class consists of several interviews and observation of the tutoring scholars during a time. A schoolteacher, an above- normal, an average and a pupil who suffers from deficiency hyperactivity complaint were canvassed at the end of the time. also, the questionnaire was handed to the whole class. All the data was recorded anatomized and described in the composition.
All scholars have a positive opinion about the use of graphing calculators in class. The schoolteacher has noticed the enhancement in allowing capacities, information appreciation, and the increase in time which may be spent on trials and exploration in class, not on information description as it has been before the use of graphing calculators.
The use of the innovative technologies:
The main purpose of the composition is to describe the exploration conducted in the sphere of the use of innovative technologies for tutoring mathematics. Steps as the online computer algebra module have been used as the focus for exploration. Being a part of Xmath and dMath EU systems, Steplets is a perfect online module aimed at making scholars understand some specific fine processes. The use of the system in the class and a means of distance literacy has been considered.
One of the main tricks of Steplets is that this model shows the algorithm for fine results. On- lot scholars were interrogated about the use of Steplets in class, and they linked it as a perfect literacy tool that helped understand numerous issues. scholars who shared in distance literacy also managed to assess the use of Steplets in learning pointed to its utility. Staples uses the system of tutoring one step at a time that increases scholars ’ allowing capacities and helps them flash back the information they get better.
Therefore, the main result of the exploration is that Steplets is a good tool for tutoring mathematics as it provides scholars with step by step attendants in working fine mystifications. scholars more understand styles for working fine models and increase the position of knowledge they get. The significance of innovative technology use and the desire to be guided by this tool is the stylish appreciation for Steplets and the evidence of its effectiveness in the literacy process.